Riserva Forestale Bosco di Maia

The forest reserve is a protected area immersed in the suggestive hilly landscape of the municipality of Losone in Ticino (CH). For the realization of the new didactic path we have developed a new visual identity, an information leaflet, the website and a series of photos to support communication.

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The forest reserve is a protected area immersed in the suggestive hilly landscape of the municipality of Losone in Ticino (CH). For the realization of the new didactic path we have developed a new visual identity, an information leaflet, the website and a series of photos to support communication.

[ard_excerpt] =>

The forest reserve is a protected area immersed in the suggestive hilly landscape of the municipality of Losone in Ticino (CH). For the realization of the new didactic path we have developed a new visual identity, an information leaflet, the website and a series of photos to support communication.

[32] => [ard_body] => [33] => riserva-forestale-bosco-di-maia [ard_permalink] => riserva-forestale-bosco-di-maia [34] => [ard_text_1] => [35] => [ard_text_2] => [36] => [ard_text_3] => [37] => [ard_text_4] => [38] => [ard_seo_title] => Riserva Forestale Bosco di Maia [39] => [ard_seo_description] => The forest reserve is a protected area immersed in the suggestive hilly landscape of the municipality of Losone in Ticino (CH). For the realization of the new didactic path we have developed a new visual identity, an information leaflet, the website and a series of photos to support communication. [40] => [ard_seo_keyword] => ) [menu] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) )

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